Thoughts and discussion on kettlebell training, strength and conditioning, Olympic lifting, fat loss, getting healthy and fit, NMT, core training, Pilates, mobility and anything else that goes with the above.
Talking to my friend Roger Gracie BJJ yesterday, I was asking him what his fighters are doing during this crisis.
Like a lot of athletes, they are also training by themselves, staying fighting fit as best as possible.
So here is one idea below for fighters or anybody.
A quick demo of a selection of movements that I feel would be suitable for fighters eg: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMa, grapplers, etc.
You can do it with or without a light kettlebell. If you do it without, add jumps, hops, skips etc in place of kettlebell snatches.
It takes about2 minutes or less for a round, you can rest after each round and do part 1 or 2 again.
Try for 8-10 rounds and let us know if you did it?
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