Thoughts and discussion on kettlebell training, strength and conditioning, Olympic lifting, fat loss, getting healthy and fit, NMT, core training, Pilates, mobility and anything else that goes with the above.
Warmed up using D.R.O.M. and body weight exercises.
Used a 12kg, a 24kg and 40kg kettlebell and placed them about 5 paces apart.
1st phase : 5 squats, feet/knee's together, holding the 12kg for counter balance, preparing for static pistols later!
Walked to the 40kg and did 5 x deadlift
Walked to the 24kg and did 10 x 2 hand hardstyle swings.
Did this circuit x 5 reducing the rest periods in between stations.
2nd phase : 12kg static negative pistols (holding the down position) x 4
2 handed 40kg hardstyle swings x 10
Snatch 24kg 8 left, 8 right.
Rest in between stations, just to bring heart rate back, but not too low.
Repeat this circuit x 5
Stretchout and enjoy my coffee :)
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