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Warm up Routine for Sports

Published on 18th Feb 2014 at 10:47 by Admin

For many years we have promoted the use of neuromuscular warm ups for the most common sports in Ireland. Still we see old school coaches sticking with the static stretch warm ups, still we see athletes like Colm Cooper (recently) getting injured.

It's time for the dinosaurs to wake up and move with the times. Clubs need to pay a little money to get the right coaches in to teach proper modern warm up techniques, otherwise it will cost more, eventually when your athletes get injured.

The above video is one movement that your athletes can do, without a kettlebell, as part of their warm ups. This movement challenges the nervous system, balance, agility, spinal mobility, ankle, knee and hip stability to name a few benefits. Here are some other movements to add in

Keep them moving.

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