Thoughts and discussion on kettlebell training, strength and conditioning, Olympic lifting, fat loss, getting healthy and fit, NMT, core training, Pilates, mobility and anything else that goes with the above.
As a Neuromuscular & Physical Therapist NMT, S&C, Fitness and Pilates Tutor i get to see a lot of different kinds of people in my daily work.
One observation is that Gym Instructors / PT's need to learn more about client assessment methods. As an example, a lady comes to me for Pilates Reformer training, she can't lift her arm above her head to a vertical position. She says there is some issue in the shoulder joint, it hurts when i do overhead presses.
I'm not surprised i think, her shoulder is protracted, out of position and her instructor is giving her weights to press overhead. The instructor knows no different, he/she is limited in their knowledge. Not their fault, just badly trained for our industry.
Try to lift a weight overhead with your shoulders protracted, you will soon have sore shoulders, so DON'T DO IT!
There are simple assessments for an instructor to learn how to assess the shoulder joints. The implement a mobility programme, then progress the client into better, pain free, corrective exercise training. Healthy strong shoulders result :0
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